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Privacidad y Windows 10

  • Iniciador del hilo Uleti5
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Forer@ Senior
Sin verificar
Como siempre, cada vez que sale algo de este tipo, la polémica sobre la privacidad comienza. (Luego eso sí, usarán Android con todos los servicios Google, o un flamante aifon último modelo). A mí me hizo buscar información al instalarme el "must have" Solitario y ver que, como en Android, tiene publicidad. :( (Bueno ya no tiene publi :) ).

Aquí dejo una guía por si alguien quiere cerrar puertas y sabe lo que está haciendo (*):

There's been a lot of commotion over W10's privacy terms. I'm sure these methods can change/improve at any time, but here's a guide which should hopefully give you a relatively more private, safe experience, however at the risk of not being able to enjoy some of W10's features.

Before/During Installation

  • Do not use Express Settings. Hit Customize, and make sure everything is turned off.
  • It's strongly preferred that you use a local account with Windows 10.
After Installation

  • Head to Settings > Privacy, and disable everything, unless there are some things you really need.
  • While within the Privacy page, go to Feedback, select Never in the first box, and Basic in the second box.
  • Head to Settings > Update and Security > Advanced Options > Choose how updates are delivered, and turn the first switch off.
  • Disable Cortana by clicking the Search bar/icon.
  • (Optional) Disable web search in Search by going to Settings, and turning off Search online and include web results.
  • Change the name of your PC by going to Start (or hitting the Windows key), typing About PC, and clicking Rename PC.
Slightly Complex

  • Open up the Command Prompt by launching cmd as an administrator, and enter the following:
sc delete DiagTrack
sc delete dmwappushservice
echo "" > C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Diagnosis\ETLLogs\AutoLogger\AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener.etl

  • Open up the Group Policy Editor by launching gpedit.msc as an administrator. Go through Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Data Collection and Preview Builds. Double click Telemetry, hit Disabled, then apply. NOTE: This only truly works in the Enterprise edition, but the final step provides a decent enough workaround for Pro users.
  • While still in the Group Policy Editor, go through Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > OneDrive, double click Prevent the usage of OneDrive for file storage, hit Enabled, then apply.
  • While still in the Group Policy Editor, go through Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Defender, double click Turn Off Windows Defender, hit Enabled, then apply.
  • Open up the Registry Editor by launching regedit as an administrator. Go through HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\DataCollection, select AllowTelemetry, change its value to 0, then apply.
  • First, download the Take Ownership tweak and enable it. Then, head to the Hosts File by going through C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc, take ownership of the hosts file, and add all of the IPs from this page into the file.
Up To You

  • Replace Microsoft Edge/Internet Explorer with Firefox, Chromium, or any forks/variations of them.
  • Replace Windows Media Player with VLC or MPC-HC
  • Replace Groove Music with Foobar2000, Winamp, or MusicBee.
  • Replace Photos/Windows Photo Viewer with ImageGlass or IrfanView.


Nota: Si no sabes lo que haces, mejor olvídalo olvídalo, especialmente lo que pone en "Slightly Complex".

Yo he hecho algunas cosas, por ejemplo, nunca hago una instalación exprés y lo que no entiendo digo que nones. Y algunas cosas no las he hecho, las de la sección Slightly Complex (*) ya que algunas cosas son irreversibles y hay otras mejores formas de hacer

Particularmente interessante es esto:

First, download the Take Ownership tweak and enable it. Then, head to the Hosts File by going through C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc, take ownership of the hosts file, and add all of the IPs from this page into the file.

Con un buen archivo hosts se puede evitar que las aplicaciones muestren publicidad. Esto en Android es muy conocido y usado por los que tienen el teléfono rooteado con la aplicación Adaway que metiendo un kilométrico archivo hots lleno de direcciones y servidores de publicidad a bloquear aniquila la publi en todas las apps. A alguien se le ha ocurreido algo parecido a Adaway para Windows (*)(*)

Since you can't undo it, it would be better to do this:

Win+R type services.msc enter
Find "Diagnostics Tracking Service"
Right click => properties
Set StartUpType to Disabled and click the "Stop" button
Do the same for dwnappushsvc in this list
Set to automatic and click start to reverse the changes.
is the trace file and he is blanking it out with this command. back this file up if you want to restore it. (it did not exist on my system)

Aquí un comentario de los que acompañan a la fuente original de la guía bastante interesante:

I have a lot of problems with what you've mentioned in this guide, but chief among them is that you've not explained why any of the above should be disabled, nor the repercussions of disabling them.
For instance, the hosts file edit you suggest will completely disable Windows Feedback and (honestly quite important!) diagnostic data that Microsoft is sent when things such as an application crash or windows bluescreen occur. By preventing access to these, you're essentially just cutting off your nose to spite your face - in the event that you encounter a problem, it is less likely to be fixed.
Additionally, you're telling people to disable OneDrive and Defender through the group policy editor, but not taking into consideration that some users will blindly follow instructions without paying attention, and will then wonder why they have no malware protection, or why OneDrive stopped working.
Finally, the 'sc delete' commands you're telling folk to run, will irreversibly remove those services; they should at worst be disabled. Fun fact: DiagTrack is a real, legitimate service that isn't new to Windows 10 and has, in one form or another, been part of windows at least since XP. Whenever you see "This program stopped responding" or similar, the information about that crash is collected and sent to Microsoft. This is done NOT to siphon user data and kill your privacies woohoohoo, it is done so that if there's actually a problem in windows or your software, it has a chance of being found and fixed.
By all means, do any and all of the things in the guide above, but don't blindly disable Bloody Fucking Everything in the name of privacy without being aware of what you're doing and why.

(*)(*) https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...ock-script-for-windows.3103598/#post-60616286
Última edición:
Buena información Uleti5. Quería hacer algo parecido, pero te has adelantado. Gracias por tu interés y tu tiempo.
Buena información Uleti5. Quería hacer algo parecido, pero te has adelantado. Gracias por tu interés y tu tiempo.

De nada.

Por si a alguien le sirve, pondré en verde lo que he hecho, en azul lo que tal vez haga y en rojo lo que nunca voy a hacer:

Before/During Installation

  • Do not use Express Settings. Hit Customize, and make sure everything is turned off.
  • It's strongly preferred that you use a local account with Windows 10.

After Installation

  • Head to Settings > Privacy, and disable everything, unless there are some things you really need.
  • While within the Privacy page, go to Feedback, select Never in the first box, and Basic in the second box.
  • Head to Settings > Update and Security > Advanced Options > Choose how updates are delivered, and turn the first switch off.
  • Disable Cortana by clicking the Search bar/icon.
  • (Optional) Disable web search in Search by going to Settings, and turning off Search online and include web results.
  • Change the name of your PC by going to Start (or hitting the Windows key), typing About PC, and clicking Rename PC.

Slightly Complex

  • Open up the Command Prompt by launching cmd as an administrator, and enter the following:

sc delete DiagTrack
sc delete dmwappushservice
echo "" > C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Diagnosis\ETLLogs\AutoLog ger\AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener.etl

  • Open up the Group Policy Editor by launching gpedit.msc as an administrator. Go through Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Data Collection and Preview Builds. Double click Telemetry, hit Disabled, then apply. NOTE: This only truly works in the Enterprise edition, but the final step provides a decent enough workaround for Pro users.
  • While still in the Group Policy Editor, go through Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > OneDrive, double click Prevent the usage of OneDrive for file storage, hit Enabled, then apply.
  • While still in the Group Policy Editor, go through Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Defender, double click Turn Off Windows Defender, hit Enabled, then apply.
  • Open up the Registry Editor by launching regedit as an administrator. Go through HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Policies\DataCollection, select AllowTelemetry, change its value to 0, then apply.
  • First, download the Take Ownership tweak and enable it. Then, head to the Hosts File by going through C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc, take ownership of the hosts file, and add all of the IPs from this page into the file.

Up To You

  • Replace Microsoft Edge/Internet Explorer with Firefox, Chrome, or any forks/variations of them.
  • Replace Windows Media Player with VLC or MPC-HC
  • Replace Groove Music with Foobar2000, Winamp, or MusicBee.
  • Replace Photos/Windows Photo Viewer with ImageGlass or IrfanView.

Since you can't undo it, it would be better to do this:

Win+R type services.msc enter
Find "Diagnostics Tracking Service"
Right click => properties
Set StartUpType to Disabled and click the "Stop" button
Do the same for dwnappushsvc in this list
Set to automatic and click start to reverse the changes.
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Diagnosis\ETLLogs\AutoLog ger\AutoLogger-Diagtrack-Listener.etl
is the trace file and he is blanking it out with this command. back this file up if you want to restore it. (it did not exist on my system)

Última edición:
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